YOU make a difference!

Your support of our mission helps families like the Shu’s. After reaching out to check-in and see how Crescent Cove could help out we received the following email. Thousands of families are on a windy, uncertain road each day. While families are waiting for Crescent Cove’s residential hospice and respite home to be built, they are receiving some much needed ‘mini-respite’ experiences such as integrative therapies, meals and time away to be a family. The need is always best understood when we hear directly from a family… Levi’s mom Dannel wrote…
“I really appreciate your reaching out to us. Candace (massage therapist) is coming over on Monday afternoon -yeah! One of Levi’s symptoms that has been an increase in his spasticity, the cause of which is unknown. Seeing Candace will certainly help with this. Amy (Crescent Cove volunteer) dropped of a large meal on Friday which has been a super help all weekend. Emma (Crescent Cove volunteer) was here on Friday for a Leo playdate. Thank you for helping to meet our needs in this time of Levi’s health being precarious.
Today was a good one for Levi, overall. So far the night is going well and we are praying for more of the same on Monday. Each day has been filled with a variety of ups and downs. I am hoping to be able to increase Levi’s feedings tomorrow so to get him back to his full nutritional intake. It can be easy to forget, when he has had such a long stretch of better health, just how taxing these times of fragile health are to all of us, but particularly Peter and I. Navigating all of the nuanced medical decisions, our own emotional terrain, our fears, how to lead and support his care team, our compounding exhaustion, Leo’s needs, and continually asking ourselves if we have reached our limits in caring for Levi and instead need to take him into the ER (because a clinic visit often isn’t possible).
Some things you can be praying for: (Levi) healing of his digestive system and a return to his full nutritional intake with supplements, a decrease in his spasticity, continued strength in breathing and clearing his airway, no further pain, restorative sleep. (Leo) a joyful cooperative spirit -hard when brother is getting so much extra attention (Peter and I) wisdomin decision making, restorative sleep, patience with ourselves and others.
Thanks again for your prayers, loving kindness, and practical help. It makes a tremendous difference and we really appreciate it all.”
Dannell’s email was sent to Crescent Cove and is one of many messages received from families needing support.